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Reject The Status Quo

There are certain times throughout human history where pride and ego have gone too far. It is necessary to have people who will go against the grain. Rejecting the status quo isn’t about rebellion. It isn’t violent in nature. It is a reformation. A transition that aims ahead of the curve, in contrast to following it.


I made many decisions with this exhibition. One of which, focusing on the most primary identifying feature of those who embody the concept. Inside of that focus, there is light. In true form, an array of different colors. The perception of the color is entirely dependent on the color that doesn’t reflect into your eye.


The colors that the creator chooses has a lot to do with painting the picture of beauty your eye perceives. The levels of the colors also show the different faces we must wear just to survive the Crazy House of this world in it's relation to the Intercontinental Descendants of The Prisoners of the Slaving Wars: Enslaved West & Central Africans of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. I chose red, green, and yellow to emerge out of the darkness of the unknown. Red representing the passion for change. Green representing the money necessary for change. Yellow representing the energy needed to continue the fight. A collage of colors also represented in the African Diaspora, an ultimate representation of rejecting the status quo. More specifically, a collage of colors championed by Rastafarianism, a religion birthed from the concept of rejecting the status quo.

- Branden J Johnson

Reject The Status Quo Vibes.png

Reject The Status Quo Exhibition

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